Survey methodology
The survey will be carried out using a quantitative method in an online environment in Estonian, English, and Russian. The main focus of the survey is to find out who are the most attractive and popular employers in Estonia that people want to work for. In addition, it will explore who are the Top Employers in different business sectors. The Top Employers will be determined by a majority of votes.
All participants in the survey are asked to name the first employer that comes to mind when using the Top Employer principles. The Top Employers will be determined by the number of votes collected. The question is mandatory for all respondents. Respondents will be asked additional questions about the following business sectors: manufacturing, IT and telecoms, public, finance, trade, service, transport and logistics, construction and production sector.
Respondents can add employers to the Top Employers list themselves, regardless of the sector in which the organization operates, the number of employees, or any other criteria. The main principle is the “top of mind” principle, i.e. whatever comes to mind first. When answering the questions, the survey environment provides a ready-made drop-down menu of organizations, but respondents have the option to write down their own choice if it is not found in the drop-down menu.
Companies already in the pre-menu have been selected on the basis of the following criteria: companies with at least 25 employees based on the 3rd quarterly EMTAK tax report of 2024 (up to TOP 500)*; the main field of activity of the organizations matches those proposed in the survey; had over 50 job ads at job portal in 2024. The structure of the company must match both criteria (25 employees, sector of activity).
The pre-selection list presents companies in all categories on the basis of the above criteria.
If multiple companies or their groups represent a single employer brand, including by publishing all job advertisements on under a single name, the number of votes is summed to determine the overall result. This policy applies exclusively to the “Top-of-mind” category. Should a company group wish to be represented as a single employer, a formal written request must be submitted to the marketing department of Alma Career Estonia no later than 2 weeks from the start of the survey. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and Alma Career Estonia reserves the right to decline such requests.